Connecting to SIM928 by Stanford Research Systems in Python
Instrument Card
The SIM928 Isolated Voltage Source is ideal for applications where ultra-clean DC voltage is required. Voltage can be set between ±20 VDC with millivolt resolution, and the source can drive up to ±10 mA. The output circuit is optically isolated from all earth-referenced charging circuitry, providing maximum flexibility and noise immunity. The system can float to ±40 V, and the output is short-circuit protected.
Device Specification: here
Stanford Research Systems is a maker of general test and measurement instruments. The company was founded in 1980, is privately held, and is not affiliated with Stanford University.
- Headquarters: USA
- Yearly Revenue (millions, USD): 25
- Vendor Website: here
Demo: Measure a solar panel IV curve with a Keithley 2400
Connect to the SIM928 in Python
Read our guide for turning Python scripts into Flojoy nodes.
To connect to a SIM928 Power Supply using Qcodes Community, you can use the following Python script:
from import VisaInstrument
class SIM928(VisaInstrument): def __init__(self, name, address, **kw): super().__init__(name, address=address, terminator='\n', **kw) self.add_parameter('voltage', unit='V', get_cmd='VOLT?', set_cmd='VOLT {:.3f}') self.add_parameter('current', unit='A', get_cmd='CURR?', set_cmd='CURR {:.3f}') self.add_parameter('output', get_cmd='OUTP?', set_cmd='OUTP {}', val_mapping={True: 'ON', False: 'OFF'}) self.connect_message()
sim928 = SIM928('sim928', 'YOUR_VISA_ADDRESS')
with the actual VISA address of your SIM928 Power Supply.