Connecting to Keithley 2400 by Keithley in Python
Instrument Card
Keithley’s Standard Series 2400 Source Measure Unit (SMU) Instruments offer four-quadrant precision voltage and current source/load coupled with measurement. Each SMU instrument is both a highly stable DC power source and a true instrument-grade 6½-digit multimeter. The power source characteristics include low noise, precision, and readback. The multimeter capabilities include high repeatability and low noise.
Device Specification: here
Manufacturer card: KEITHLEY
Keithley Instruments is a measurement and instrument company headquartered in Solon, Ohio, that develops, manufactures, markets, and sells data acquisition products, as well as complete systems for high-volume production and assembly testing.
- Headquarters: Cleveland, Ohio, United States
- Yearly Revenue (millions, USD): 110.6
- Vendor Website: here
Demo: Measure a solar panel IV curve with a Keithley 2400
Connect to the Keithley 2400 in Python
Read our guide for turning Python scripts into Flojoy nodes.
from pymeasure.instruments.keithley import Keithley2400
# Connect to the Keithley 2400keithley = Keithley2400("GPIB::1")
# Configure the measurement settingskeithley.measure_voltage()keithley.voltage_range = 10keithley.voltage_nplc = 1
# Enable the source and set the voltagekeithley.enable_source()keithley.source_voltage = 5
# Perform a measurementvoltage = keithley.voltageprint("Measured voltage:", voltage)
# Disable the source and disconnect from the instrumentkeithley.disable_source()keithley.disconnect()
This script connects to a Keithley 2400 Power Supply using the GPIB interface (replace “GPIB::1” with the appropriate address for your setup). It configures the instrument to measure voltage, sets the voltage range and integration time, enables the source, sets the desired voltage, performs a measurement, and then disables the source and disconnects from the instrument.
Note: Make sure you have the pymeasure
package installed before running this script.